What is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)?
Emotionally Focused Therapy
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is an attachment-based model of therapy which prioritises emotions and attachment when building meaningful bonds with others. It helps to enhance well-being by building security in attachment bonds.
Therapists use EFT with individuals, couples, relationships and families with an aim to assist people in expressing, exploring and understanding their reactions, behaviours and thoughts. This happens with a view to help them connect with their deepest needs and with those who matter to them. They can then live a more full, satisfying and connected life.

Dr Sue Johnson
Founder of EFT & Director of the
International Centre for Excellence in EFT (ICEEFT)
EFT For Couples & Relationships
Developed by Dr Sue Johnson in the 1980s, EFT began as a form of relationship or couple therapy and has since generated over 20 positive outcome studies over the last 30 years showing it to be effective at reducing couple distress in 70-75% of couples and increasing relationship satisfaction in over 90% of couples tested. As a result, it is the "gold standard" therapy for relationships. EFT focuses on emotion and the building of secure attachment bonds between people who matter to each other in order to foster emotional well-being for all. EFT is used to good effect with any relationship where people matter to each other; couples, friendships, non-traditonal relationships, and families of all kinds.
EFT For Individuals
EFT for individuals focuses on emotion and patterns of emotional management that all people use. EFIT looks at those patterns and how they play a role in creating and maintaining "stuckness" in a person's life and in their relationships with those who matter to them. EFIT assists by staying with the deeper emotions that we know contain vital information about what a person really needs and shapes corrective moments that lead to a sense of balance and a clear direction in life. Focusing on emotion and connection with others, EFIT promotes a sense of self-acceptance and secure attachment with others to build overall well-being.
EFT For Families
EFT for families, focuses on the family system and interactional patterns between family members. EFFT aims to strengthen connections between members and to create secure bonds within the larger family group. EFFT does this by mapping and tracking patterns of miscommunication and misunderstanding, and by assisting participants in sending clear signals of need. This leads to the breaking down of "old" stuck ways of communicating and to the establishment of new communication patterns that build closeness. EFFT is effective in preventing escalation and resolving conflict, healing hurts and breeches of trust, promoting healthy communication, and in building strong family connections. EFFT differs from the EFT for couples/relationships model because instead of encouraging shared vulnerability from all parties (as in an adult egalitarian relationship), EFFT encourages parents/care-givers to send clear signals of care and support and younger family members to clearly express their attachment needs.